Not sure how comments are working in Focus Read more
Login to your Google Analytics account: Click on Admin → Data Stream under Property → Click on the right pointing arrow > for the site you want the ID for → Copy your Measurement ID From your WP Dashboard → Visit Thesis Admin → Site → Google Analytics, paste your Google Analytics Measurement ID, and click Read more
Trying out Send in Blue for the RSS feed. Not sure how exactly it works. It seemed like I could insert the full article, but I’m not fully sure. I did not customized how it looked as I want to know 1st if I can get the full post into the email. The summer landscape Custom more
This will send a RSS feed campaign, however it won’t put the whole article into the email, just a summary. It looks like it shows the full size image for the image. I’m attempting to make it smaller Custom more
Because MailChimp has gotten expensive I’m looking around at other options. The one item that doesn’t seem to be a part of most newsletter providers is RSS. However it looks like MooSend might be a replacement options Read more
Reminder if you’re not sure.. Don’t click I just had another A2 and then a Bluehost spoof email. Don’t click on email links telling you your account is locked, or past due or anything that cause you to go WHAT? The bad guys are getting better and better at faking these emails. If you think Read more
Watch for this content soon! For now there is just dummy text. Topping chupa chups cake jelly-o macaroon croissant halvah cake. Toffee sweet roll sweet roll pie gingerbread. Cupcake jelly beans bear claw gingerbread cupcake halvah lollipop. Cupcake jujubes cake lemon drops cheesecake cheesecake. Lemon drops dessert lemon drops chocolate cake dessert sesame snaps. Cake Read more
Special styles notes coming soon. The rest of this post is dummy text. Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas, imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi Read more
Review & Suggestions coming soon! The remainder of this post is dummy text. Pommy ipsum full English breakast numpty ponce fish fingers and custard could be a bit of a git terribly twiglets, slappers Bob’s your uncle a comely wench anorak challenge you to a duel terribly wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff pezzy little, bloke got his Read more